Creating Pilgrimage: Cancer and Destiny? Part 2
Chromosome Narratives and Reconstituting Personhood
May 2016
Almost twenty years have passed since I was first introduced to the biologist Dr. May Wan Ho. A deeper appreciation of her grew out of my efforts to establish a simple and necessary routine to bring healing rhythm and ritual into my daily life. Walking daily to a patio overlooking the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton gave me the opportunity to imaginatively connect with a patio being used by the Assisi Conference on the other side of the world, where Mae wan Ho was again speaking. My honouring of her respectful chromosome scientific research reveals true ‘organism’ as the multi- coloured dance of life. It is interesting to note that the work ‘chromosome’ comes from two Greek words
khroma: colour, and Soma: body.
My 2002 writing braided her work with the outrageous media headlines of the newspapers I found on the patio - for example, “Clones for Christmas” and “Spiders’ silk as the holy grail of performance fibers.” These were headlines germane to the current and ever evolving deluge of genetic engineering that has overtaken us all. The third strand of the braid was a minute drama of a couple’s ‘non-conversation’, right there on the patio, in front of me.
Such a weaving continues to show me the burgeoning fullness of ‘the void’, an exhuming of complex personal, political, and scientific images as they engaged my reconstituting personhood. I didn’t have these words in 2002: I was just muddling along, paying attention to the details within and around me.
Jasmine Journey Podcast 1
How did Dr. Rand become interested in Jung's travels in India?
Jasmine Journey Podcast 2
Why is it important for people to read or listen to this book at this point in history?
Jasmine Journey Podcast 3
Tell us about the connections you are making to what's happening in India now and how does that connect back to Jung's journey there?
A Memorial Journey 2014
Dr. Evangeline Rand is interviewed about the Elizabeth MacElroy Memorial Journeys. In 2014, Dr. Rand undertook a journey to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the first World War. Join her in these fascinating interviews about her journeys through the battlefields of World War in Europe.
A Memorial Journey 2014, Part 1
Dr. Rand offers threads of explanation about the Elizabeth MacElroy Memorial Journeys she has undertaken. She discusses the importance of visiting the World War battlefields of Europe and how she approaches the battlefields.
A Memorial Journey 2014, Part 2
Dr. Rand discusses why Arras, France is so important in her journeys. Canadian identity was forged in World War I.
A Memorial Journey 2014, Part 3
Dr. Rand discusses the significance of World War I in a cultural context.
A Memorial Journey 2014, Part 4
Dr. Rand talks about the black Madonnas of the World Wars and how they were used by the troops in wartimes.
A Memorial Journey 2014, Part 5
Dr. Rand tells us the story of her namesake and the story of Talbot House.
Sacred Geometry
Dr. Rand, Psychologist, educator and writer talks about the geometry and patterns of life sometimes known as sacred geometry which Dr. Rand practices, studies and teaches. She shares the dream that initiated this endeavor; her ideas about why it is important to learn how to practise; and why it is currently relevant.
Sacred Geometry, Part 1
Dr. Evangeline Rand, psychologist, educator and writer tells the story of how she came to study, practice and teach about the geometry and patterns of life, sometimes known to us as sacred geometry. She shares the dream that initiated her journey
"For 2, 3, 5" and how Dr. Russell Lockhart made mention of the Fibonacci sequence of numbers. An enquiry was opened up.
Sacred Geometry, Part 2
Dr. Evangeline Rand tells us about the Fibonacci Sequence. She stresses that the best way to understand this sequence and its numbers is to work with our hands, drawing and developing connections. She also addresses the question,
"Why is this important to learn?"
Sacred Geometry, Part 3
Dr. Evangeline Rand talks about sacred geometry as a meditative practice. She briefly addressed the Seven Female Liberal Arts which she discovered by exploring. She introduces the Chartrian
'Chariot of Educational Principles and the Wisdom teachings' of the Middle Ages. She talks about making beautiful forms to engage with and honour
'Cosmic Wisdom'. The point is emphasized that we must do the practice in order to gain understanding.
Sacred Geometry, Part 4
Dr. Evangeline Rand talks about her personal approach and interests in this field. She describes her interest in the underlying soul of the processes as they reveal themselves to her. She mentions some of her significant teachers
- Carl Jung, Keith Critchlow, Gandhi and Russell Lockhart. She emphasizes the importance of working with our hands
- with the whole of ourselves.
Sacred Geometry, Part 5
Dr. Evangeline Rand addresses the profound territory and realms of mystery portrayed through primary number and even simple geometry. She addresses the words associated with this field
"sacred geometry""the art of geometry" and
"geometry of life". She talks about how it is difficult to describe in words those processes that are ever changing and which are often best apprehended through a developing visual language. The importance of the tools of geometry and number are addressed as sacred objects and part of the old mystery teachings. Even the tools can touch us deeply.
Sacred Geometry, Part 6
Dr. Evangeline Rand discusses how traveling has helped her exploring the fields of sacred geometry. She talks travel as pilgrimage,
- traveling into spaces to give blessing and to receive blessing. For example, she shares something of her experiences in Glastonbury and the Alhambra in Spain. The importance of having a beginner's mind and seeing with children's eyes are revealed. She shares the delightful story of her five year old granddaughter's spontaneous mandala
"The Bluejay Nest",
- made from apples and twigs.
Sacred Geometry, Part 7
Dr. Evangeline Rand weaves geometry into what is now often called the profession of
'art therapy'. She discusses
'the mandala' and questions like: What are the ancient wisdom teachings in the making of the circle? Have these Wisdom mysteries disappeared? What does it mean to divide the circle? What is our experience of being divided? What are the generative functions of the circle? She reflects that number and geometry give us a language or
'a way', to share with each other our engagements with life's mystery, surprises and shocks. She talks about caring for a dream like keeping a pebble in your pocket: a pebble reminds us of something important which we tend to forget easily.
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The author of this work does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general matter to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this work for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
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